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Thursday, September 22, 2011

journey to a destiny

oh well, that's the name of my blog...since it's the first posts for this blog lemme put in words why i named the blog as such....

i describe myself as a simple girl living in extraordinary circumstances....i have been through hard times couple of months ago...memang betul kita yang merancang Allah yang menentukan...but i believe that actions are the seed of fate deeds grow into destiny....before i decided to choose the road i'm traveling today i have prayed so much to Allah for him to show me the way....i've cried so many times praying him to show me the way....and today alhamdulillah my journey along this road to my destiny is full of joy and happiness...i believe everything happens for a reason...and it always for a good reason...the hard times that i've been through makes me a better and stronger person today...there's a say "to regret deeply is to live afresh"....

i believe every women has the right to decide her destiny and i have chosen this guy i called bobo or some may call "ayoh" or "bapak"....and i will not stop praying to Allah semoga dipanjangkan jodoh for both of us hingga ke akhir hayat & semoga diberkati perhubungan kami hingga ke akhir hayat....we are gonna get married in 8 months times and we've been in love for 7 years...

oh well...my future posts will be my wedding prep and also a recap to my engagement, merisik and the superb surprise proposal and birthday celebration....hope u will enjoy it